Please be assured that this is our only website and the only place we would advertise livestreams apart from our official Facebook page. Please be aware of scams and do not enter any credit card details under the pretence of accessing the streaming service.
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We are the only company in southern Tasmania to own cemeteries, two funeral homes and one onsite crematorium. We provide a full suite of services including coffin manufacture and stone masonry from our Hobart base. Our commitment to you begins with the first phone call and can span weeks, months and even years through our annual memorial services we provide our community.
Find catalogues for our ranges of Coffin, Flowers, Memorial items, Catering options, and more.
Read about the benefits to you and your family when you prepay and preplan your funeral.
An online memorial, watch montages,
livestream recordings or write a message.
Not only a great tool to find someone in our cemeteries but, a great tool for family trees.
Millingtons are fortunate enough to have their own inhouse team of stonemasons.