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1. What is included in a Pre-paid Funeral Plan?

The plan can be tailored to your wishes, but you might like to consider things like:

  • The type of funeral/ memorial service
  • Viewing
  • Burial or cremation
  • Type of coffin or casket
  • Minister or celebrant
  • Order of service booklets
  • Music choices
  • Flowers
  • Death notice wording
  • Family details
  • Catering or wake details
  • Things to include in your eulogy
2. Do I need to pay in a lump sum?

There are two options to pay for your funeral in advance with Millingtons.

You can pay in a lump sum, funeral costs you pay up to $15,500 (as of 1 July 2024)
do not count in your assets test for payments from Services Australia.

Or pay by instalments which can be arranged through direct debit or similar.

  • Initial contribution $100
  • Regular contributions $25 per month
3. What if I move?
If you move interstate, we can help you transfer your plan to another funeral company. However, we cannot always guarantee that prices will remain the same in other countries or cities. The funds remain in the same secure investment, but can be accessed by the new funeral company when required.
4. Why can’t I just save it in my bank account?
It is possible to set aside funds for your funeral in a private bank account. However, this account is considered an asset and may affect your pension where as a pre-paid funeral is not included as an asset therefore does not affect your pension or Centrelink payments up to a certain amount.
5. Can I qualify for a prepaid funeral plan if I have health issues?

Yes, anyone is eligible for a Millingtons prepaid funeral

7. Is it possible to make changes to my funeral contract?

The great thing about the funeral bond is its flexibility, allowing you to change your wishes or add funds to your policy at any time. 

8. Can I do a joint application?

A pre-paid funeral can be opened in single or joint names. A pre-paid funeral can only be used for one funeral, so if the plan is held in both names, the money can only be used to pay for the expenses of the funeral arrangements of one service. To ensure that both joint applicants are covered for their funeral expenses, it is highly recommended that two pre-paid funeral plans are completed.

Creating the tribute your loved-one deserves.

Has a death occured or are you organising funeral arrangements ahead of time? Let us assist you.

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